Kinsley, you might have turned 11 almost a month ago, and I might have forgotten to post about it. Sometimes Moms forget things :)
ELEVEN. holy. cow.
Beautiful, smart, funny, crafty, kind, happy, a leader, silly, these are just a few words I can think of to describe you. And you are getting older, older as in you aren't playing with toys as much, older as in if I can't find you, you are most likely on your bed reading. Also every once in awhile I can catch a glimpse of what we may be in for with you as a teenager :) Just promise me that you will always hug and kiss me and say I love you back, okay?
beautiful hairdo, I need her to come do my hair. My son is eleven, and it's a lovely, scary, and very interesting age.
oooh! gorgeous. what a lovely young lady. my little gal barely lets me comb hers, so i am looking forward to a day when hairdos are acceptable. many happy returns of the year, kinsley!
Holy Cow. Maybe I need to take hairdoing lessons from Kinsley now. She's awesome!
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