Friday, August 17, 2012

The Hive is tommorrow!

I will have my things set up at the Hive (on location) at The Wildflower Pedalfest tommorow along with Hollyhocks and Honeybees 
and Leila Bird. 
In Mt. Green, Utah @Kent Smith Park from 12:00 - 4:00
 Coming from Salt Lake/Ogden Area- Take interstate 84 heading East.  Take the Mountain Green Exit #92.  Go left off the exit and right onto Old Hwy Road.  You will see the park on your right. 
Coming from Park City/Evanston- Take interstate 84 heading West.  Take the Stoddard Exit #96.  Turn right off the exit and left onto Old Hwy Road.  You will see the park on your left just before you reach the interstate. 
Hope to see you there!


Honeybee said...

Thanks so much for coming Amy! Love all of Vintage Fern's stuff- you are so creative. Can't wait to send some of your cute cards in the mail. See you at The Hive in October!

Nanette Merrill said...

Totally seems like a place I should be!