Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Little Letters

Dear Fall,
I am so glad you have finally decided to arrive.

Dear Casey,
I am sorry you are frustrated with your work lately. It is such a weird thing to see you so stressed out. You have always been Mr. Laid back, go with the flow kinda guy, not stressed out guy. Thank you for working so hard to take care of our family. I love you.

Dear Kinsley, Jade, and Sage,
Thank you for being my daughters, you make me laugh all the time with the things each of you do and say. I love each of you so much.

Dear tidy house,
Oh how I love you, I feel so happy when you are clean.

Dear leftover homemade German chocolate cupcakes from Casey's birthday party,
Quit tempting me with your delicious ways.

Dear Holiday show to do list,
Can you magically get yourself done? Everything on you is taking longer than I had hoped.

Dear sleep,
Could you just pass me by until Christmas? Pretty, pretty, please. I have no time for you.

Dear bowl of lemons on the counter,
I can't wait to make you into some delish lemonade.

Dear Mr. Squirrel in the backyard,
It seems as if you have made our backyard and the neighbors your permanent home, you are a noisy little thing.

Dear blog,
If I am a bit scarce around here, it is because I am buried in sewing projects.



Leah said...

Oh I love this, can people play along.. It so sounds like my house except the clean how do you manage to keep a tidy house and get your lists done?