Wednesday, September 29, 2010

triangle necklace

I've been inspired by triangles lately and decided to make up this necklace today.
I may make up a few more and see if they sell.
I kinda like it.


* elizabeth * said...

ooh! I LOVE it!

Sherry Williams said...

hi. this is cute. :)
it seems to me the place you live in has more craft events/shows then anywhere I've seen. (not that I've seen a lot) I'm wondering how you figure out who is having what and where. I am not familiar with the state I live in, but I would like to find some shows to either attend as a customer/admirer, or eventually dream up a plan to sell at one. I live in MD...and I may hear of something usually after the fact. Do you have any ideas or advice of keeping in the know.
I appreciate your help and I love to come here and see what amazing things you have come up with. :)
sherry in md

sewtakeahike said...

really cute Amy! it'd be really cute as wee little triangles too!