Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So, I haven't felt like blogging. I have felt like cooking things instead, and not taking pictures of it. I did take a couple pictures. I made Strawberry freezer Jam the over the weekend because we were running low, I sweetened it with agave nectar, yum!

I made an apple pie (baked in a paper bag), along with applesauce, and apple juice. We got a case of organic fuji apples a couple of weeks ago and they are yummy. Fuji apples are my favorite, they are crisp and just the right amount of sweet. That pie is now gone and I think I may make another, with fresh made whip cream it is so delish. Now we also have a case of oranges and I really want to make some fresh juice.

The girls made a fort in their room over the weekend, they even slept in it. After I took this picture Casey came home and helped them remake it even bigger and better. That is pretty much all they did over the weekend was play in the fort.

There has been crafting but no pictures of it. This morning we had a scare with the furnace, we thought that we may have to get a new one, but after it was fiddled with, I guess it just needed reset. Cross your fingers that was all it needed, we can't and don't want to buy a new furnace at the moment :)

Oh, and I found out about Swiss Days, I am an alternate, so if someone drops out, there is a chance I will still get in. I'm not sure how I feel about that, I think I would almost rather just have had a yes or a no answer. Then I could at least know if I need to prepare or not, oh well.

That's all for now!


Debby Brown said...

The last time I had an abundance of oranges, I made marmalade. Seriously delish!

Happy cooking!

Roxane said...

I love to read about all the baking and cooking ideas you have. Also, I have been to Swiss Days and I would like going to your booth more than any others.