Monday, July 13, 2009

Productive day

Do you ever have one of those days you feel like you can take on anything? That is my day today. Casey had to be to work extra early today, and when he woke up, I couldn't go back to sleep. So I got up and decided to start tackling today's to do list. (I love lists by the way I don't think there is anything else more satisfying than crossing things off to do lists)
Here's what I have crossed of so far:
*weeded a bit of the garden and picked a bowlful of delish raspberries
*started sewing a batch of bibs (that is what is pictured above, the bibs and other sewing projects i want to work on)
* listed a few things in my shop
*folded a batch of laundry
*cleaned our old microwave to take to the DI (my brother gave us a nicer one, not that we use our microwave a ton, but who can say no to something nicer than what we had)

Things to still get done today:
*put away the mountain of laundry pictured above (I seriously have a problem with making these mountains of laundry)
*Errands: go the the bank, buy some anchors so we can finally hang some things up in the newly painted playroom, take microwave to the DI, and I can't go to the thrift store without going in :)
*finish making bibs, all 47 of them :)
* make dinner, tonight we are having Tilapia, baked potatoes, and green beans purchased from the farmer's market, YUM!

And I just thought I would share my newest necklace purchase I am wearing today.
I bought it from Pamela Michelle on Etsy. I love all of her things, I have been eying her shop for quite some time and finally made a purchase and I couldn't be happier!

Now I am off to continue crossing things off!


Anonymous said...

wow that's quite a stack of bibs! I need a day like that, I've got so many things I need to catch up on,lol. Love your shop by the way!