I've also been busy getting ready for my spring shows. Yesterday I started a batch of 72 onesies, I am hoping to finish them up today.
On another note, please keep my family in your prayers, my Brother and Sister-in-law had their 3rd baby on Sunday night, and little Hallie has to have heart surgery in the next few days. She has a valve in her heart that is collapsing. Their first little boy Chet had the same heart condition and he had to have surgery too. Apparently Hallie's condition is a bit worse than Chet's was though. She is in good hands at Primary Children's Hospital and we are praying that everything will go well.
My thoughts go out to your brother's family. I can't imagine how scary it must be to have a little one going through surgery.
As for the onesies.... when you do shows, do you do a variety of sizes? I am prepping for a show in June(my first!) and am at a loss as to what sizes to bring with me. Any insight as to how you prepare would be greatly appreciated!
Prayers for sure!!
Will say prayers for your neice and loving your granny squares.
Sending prayers your families way! And I would have been sooooo excited over the masking tape too!
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